Global Warming Or Just Business?

Global warming has already happened on our planet. Lots of different species of animals and plants died. Others managed to survive and evolve into new species. That is a normal cycle of our planet. Everything has a beginning and everything has its end. Our technologies today can predict some of the future major changes to our planet. Digitalization brought our world into a new epoch, the epoch of technologies. New devices have become a part of our bodies. So that you can read the news or watch movies or even gamble using only a smartphone. Try these online pokies to win your first jackpot until electricity is still on. Cause soon enough the green politics might switch everything off. 

An Unexpected Journey

Oh, what an unexpected event happened recently over Greenland. Some of the richest people in the world are funding a huge helicopter and blocking a fossil hunt on the west coast of Greenland.

The climate crisis continues. How the ice of companies in Greenland is melting with an ironic twist of fate. The crisis gives a chance to miners and diggers. So the most interested in mining people Jeff Bezos, Bill gates, and Michael Bloomberg decided that it is a chance to mine more nickel to create electric cars. They are sure that hidden hills which used to be covered in ice used to hide lots of useful minerals. 

This story is not new but it keeps us asking more questions about global warming and melting ice. 


Over the weekend, Greenland was losing 6 billion tons of water a day. The disappearance of Arctic ice on land and in the ocean is a useful dichotomy. Greenland is the epicenter of the effects of climate change, but it could also be the epicenter of the metal pollution taken to address the problem. CNN-owned mining exploration startup in California is represented by Kobold Metals. Bezos, Bloomberg, and Gates did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment on the story.

Kobold is cooperating with Bluejay Mining to find rare materials in Greenland. Among them, there were also found over thirty staff to keep them fed and not bored.

Someone Said Lockdown?

Climate lockdowns are coming soon, let’s not relax. UN climate experts in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC) will publish a series of scenarios to limit global warming and reduce its devastating impact. 

After more than a century and a half of fossil fuel-based development, the planet has warmed by an average of about 1.1 degrees Celsius. That is compared to the pre-industrial era, a phenomenon that has contributed to increased heat waves, droughts, storms, and devastating floods.

And recent news about Greenland didn’t show any results of our green policy. It only showed that all should keep using different technologies while others will keep digging different minerals and getting richer. Then only two questions left to ask. What is wrong with the blind spot of the United Nations and other international organizations that are willing to protect and save our world? And what is wrong with us?

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